Building Confidence: Shift Your State

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Have you ever noticed that wave of satisfaction when you’ve just finished a challenging workout or created a gourmet-quality dessert? There’s something magical in that feeling, and that’s what we’re tapping into today. In this new video, I explore a powerful tool to rebuild confidence: shift your state to create momentum.

“State,” in this context, refers to your emotional and mental condition at any given moment—your thoughts, feelings, and overall energy. Shifting your state means making a conscious effort to transition from a lower, perhaps negative state, to a more positive and empowering one.

What does this have to do with self-confidence? Sometimes the best way to regain your confidence may not be directly confronting the problem at hand, but rather changing your energy. This may sound unusual, but it’s a powerful approach, one backed by renowned experts (including my coach!). Changing your state changes your perspective and level of self-assurance.

Watch this video to learn how to:

  • Identify an activity that you love doing, one that naturally shifts your energy, and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine—your personal power hour.

  • Leverage this activity to shift your state, moving from feeling drained or stuck to feeling accomplished and energetic.

  • Use this positive shift to boost your confidence, which can influence how you approach other aspects of your life, like breaking free from a toxic situation, a self-sabotaging pattern, or anything else that’s kept you trapped.

And if you’d like to explore more ways to boost your self-confidence and become unstoppable, don’t hesitate to schedule a free call with me. I’d love to be your guide on this journey.

Until then, keep (state-) shifting and keep shining!

Schedule a Free Call

 And if you don’t yet know what’s keeping you trapped, I got you! Take my free Break Free Quiz and find out how to unlock your full potential.


This is the third video in my June Confidence Series. Check out the previous posts, starting here.


Building Confidence: Focus on Your Strengths


Building Confidence: Find Your Cheerleaders