Find out what’s keeping
you trapped
Do you feel trapped?
We often feel trapped when we are unhappy with some aspect of our life (or our life as a whole), but feel powerless to change anything. In our mind, we don’t have control over our life. Feeling trapped is often what makes us stick with a job we don’t love, a relationship that’s not good for us, or a way of living that’s not meaningful or fulfilling.
Which of the following applies to you?
★ You're frustrated because you're not fulfilling your potential
When you were in your twenties, you had big dreams about all the things you wanted to do and be. Now, you wonder what happened to those dreams. You feel like you’ve let yourself down, wasted your potential.
There’s so much more you could be doing, feeling, being.
But you feel ungrateful even to think that. You have a good life – a lovely family and a supportive partner. You are comfortable financially. You shouldn’t be complaining. Others have it much tougher. Yet you can’t shake the feeling that something’s missing.
★ You struggle to prioritize yourself
On a daily basis, you struggle to carve out time for yourself without feeling like a bad mom/partner/friend/you name it. You love your family and want to take care of them. Your kids are older now, more independent, and you have more time in your hands. Yet, you still feel guilty and selfish for wanting to prioritize your needs and aspirations or investing in yourself and your own growth.
★ You’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start to get unstuck
You feel caged in a lifestyle that’s not fulfilling for you.
You can’t put your finger on what’s holding you back and don’t know how to get out of the cage without disrupting everyone’s life including your own.
Where would you start? What would you do? You’re not even sure what you want anymore.
You’re overwhelmed just thinking about all that.
If you’re experiencing any of what I have described, know that…
What can you expect from the Break Free Power Session?
By the end of the the Break Free Power Session, you will:
Have more CLARITY about what’s keeping you trapped – the bars on the cage. You will gain insights into the situations, relationships, emotions, thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back.
Reflect on what you can do right now to get UNSTUCK and start making changes that will get you closer to the life you want.
Feel ENERGIZED, knowing that you’ve taken the first step in freeing yourself from what’s keeping you stuck and designing a life and future that aligns with what’s important to you.
How does it work?
The Break Free Power Session consists of two parts:
1) The Break Free Personal Assessment, which you will receive as soon as you sign up. The assessment is a diagnostic tool to help you get clear on what’s holding you back. You will complete it ahead of our coaching session.
2) The Break Free Coaching Session, a 90-minute session with me, where you will go over your answers to the Assessment and explore what’s keeping you stuck.
You will come out of the coaching session with a list of the next steps you can take to release yourself from feeling trapped and start building the life you want and deserve.
You will also receive a personalized list of recommended resources to move forward with getting unstuck.
The Break Free Power Session also includes an additional 30-minute update session four weeks later for you to update me on where you stand and ask me any questions.
Are you ready for your Break Free Power Session?
Investment in total for the Break Free Power Session: CHF 279
When you sign up, you will also get a 155 discount on all my other programs
Schedule your Break Free Power Session Now!
What people say about working with me
“Katia has been a great thought provoker and cheerleader. If you are looking for someone to confide in, learn more about yourself, and discover your potential, Katia is the right person who I can highly recommend!”
Andrea, Life Coach
“I come away from my conversations with Katia feeling energized, clear on my priorities and highly inspired.”
Meera, Executive & Leadership Coach
“Katia challenged me to think deeply about myself, my life, my dreams, what kind of person I am. What are my values, why do I do things the way I do, etc.? All these questions (and many more) and following discussions helped me have the courage to take the next step – to consider changing my job.”
Angela, Executive Assistant
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Perhaps you can. But it’s been a struggle so far, and it usually takes a while if you don’t have any support. With an experienced coach by your side, you will quickly identify what’s holding you back and get launched on the path that brings you closer to your dreams – right away!
One of my key beliefs and the foundation of my work is that we always have a choice – even when it might seem that we don’t. We just need to be able to see our choices, which is why mindset is so important. Yes, there are absolutely situations that are beyond our control, but even within these, there are elements that we can influence. During our coaching session, we will focus on these elements – the ones that you can control and that will allow you to choose a different path for yourself.
Your friends (and family) love you and want what’s best for you, but what they believe is best for you may not be the same as what you want for yourself. As your coach, I don’t have an agenda about what’s best for you; you are the expert on your life. I’m here to support you to get to where you want. Your agenda is my agenda.
Also, confidentiality and non-judgement are two key ‘ground rules’ in coaching. That means that during our sessions, you can say anything you want (well, anything that’s not offensive or unethical!) without the fear of being judged. Our coaching sessions are meant to be a safe space for you to be your true self and express what’s on your mind or try out different ideas.
We will take the first few minutes to get acquainted and agree on a few parameters for our work together. Then, we will dive into the Assessment you filled out and identify your key ‘blocks’ or, as I like to call them, ‘the bars on the cage’. Finally, we will come up with a list of next steps for you.
You can expect me to ask you powerful questions (hint: they’re the ones you have to think a bit before you answer), check assumptions and question beliefs. I will not give you advice or tell you what’s best for you. Remember? You’re the expert on your life!
I know that life gets busy and often things fall by the wayside. I’m not going to lie to you: you will get out of this program what you put in. The more you engage and do the work, the better results you will see. But I promise you, the exercises will be both engaging and revealing and we will definitely have fun during our session!
Your time investment will be worth the outcome: feeling clear about where you stand, and energized and motivated to go after your dreams!