Building Confidence: Focus on Your Strengths

pink blue and green kettle bells

Ever wondered why superheroes are so good at building confidence even in the most challenging moments? Their secret is not their superpowers (their strengths), but their ability to focus and build on their strengths. This concept isn’t exclusive to comic books; it’s a real-life strategy that can transform your journey towards becoming your most confident self.

Most of us are used to magnifying our weaknesses and downplaying our strengths. This is often due to our limiting beliefs, those internal voices that try to convince us that we’re not good enough, smart enough, or simply enough. By focusing on what we lack, we overlook the unique strengths and talents we may have.

If instead we chose to shift our focus from what we need to improve to what we’re really good at, it could dramatically boost our confidence. After all, when we operate from a place of strength, a place where we feel most competent, we naturally exude confidence.

In my latest video, I delve deeper into this confidence-building strategy.

Watch it to learn:

  • How to identify the strengths you exhibited during your past power moments – those times when you felt most confident.

  • How to leverage feedback from trusted individuals to uncover strengths you might be overlooking.

  • How to use strength assessment tools to systematically identify your unique strengths.

Something important: Choosing to focus on your strengths doesn’t mean you’re ignoring your weaknesses. It simply means you’re choosing to lead with your power. Like a superhero, you’re leveraging what you’ve got going for you and building on that.

So take some time to reflect on your strengths, whether it’s delving into your past power moments, seeking feedback, or using a strength assessment tool.

Write down your strengths and place them somewhere you can see regularly.

For those feeling trapped or stuck, go to my website and take the Break Free Quiz. This quiz can help you identify where in your life you feel trapped and provide insights on how to regain your freedom and rebuild confidence.

You’ve got this. And, like any good superhero, you don’t have to do this alone. I’m here to support you on your journey of self-improvement. Reach out and let’s schedule a time to talk!

Schedule a Free Call


This is the fourth video in my June Confidence Series. Check out the previous posts, starting here. Or, even better, sign up for my newsletter!


The Power of Taking Time Off


Building Confidence: Shift Your State